/kul"teuh vayt'/ , v.t., cultivated, cultivating .
1. to prepare and work on (land) in order to raise crops; till.
2. to use a cultivator on.
3. to promote or improve the growth of (a plant, crop, etc.) by labor and attention.
4. to produce by culture: to cultivate a strain of bacteria.
5. to develop or improve by education or training; train; refine: to cultivate a singing voice.
6. to promote the growth or development of (an art, science, etc.); foster.
7. to devote oneself to (an art, science, etc.).
8. to seek to promote or foster (friendship, love, etc.).
9. to seek the acquaintance or friendship of (a person).
[ 1610-20; cultivatus (ptp. of cultivare to till), equiv. to cultiv ( us ) (L cult ( us ), ptp. of colere to care for, till (cf. CULT) + -ivus -IVE) + -atus -ATE 1 ]