— deviable , adj. — deviability /dee'vee euh bil"i tee/ , n. — deviator , n.
v. /dee"vee ayt'/ ; adj. , n. /dee"vee it/ , v. , deviated, deviating , adj. , n.
1. to turn aside, as from a route, way, course, etc.
2. to depart or swerve, as from a procedure, course of action, or acceptable norm.
3. to digress, as from a line of thought or reasoning.
4. to cause to swerve; turn aside.
5. characterized by deviation or departure from an accepted norm or standard, as of behavior.
6. a person or thing that departs from the accepted norm or standard.
7. a person whose sexual behavior departs from the norm in a way that is considered socially or morally unacceptable.
8. Statistics. a variable equal to the difference between a variate and some fixed value, often the mean.
[ 1625-35; deviatus turned from the straight road, ptp. of deviare. See DEVIANT, -ATE 1 ]
Syn. 1. veer, wander, stray. DEVIATE, DIGRESS, DIVERGE, SWERVE imply turning or going aside from a path. TO DEVIATE is to turn or wander, often by slight degrees, from what is considered the most direct or desirable approach to a given physical, intellectual, or moral end: Fear caused him to deviate from the truth. TO DIGRESS is primarily to wander from the main theme or topic in writing or speaking: Some authors digress to relate entertaining episodes.
Two paths DIVERGE when they proceed from a common point in such directions that the distance between them increases: The sides of an angle diverge from a common point. Their interests gradually diverged. TO SWERVE is to make a sudden or sharp turn from a line or course: The car swerved to avoid striking a pedestrian.