don 1
/don/ ; Sp., It. /dawn/ , n.
1. ( cap. ) Mr.; Sir: a Spanish title prefixed to a man's given name.
2. (in Spanish-speaking countries) a lord or gentleman.
3. ( cap. ) an Italian title of address, esp. for a priest.
4. a person of great importance.
5. (in the English universities) a head, fellow, or tutor of a college.
6. (in the Mafia) a head of a family or syndicate.
[ 1515-25; dominus ]
don 2
/don/ , v.t., donned, donning .
to put on or dress in: to don one's clothes.
[ 1560-70; contr. of DO 1 + ON; cf. DOFF ]
don 3
/dohn/ , conj.
(in prescriptions) donec.
[ by shortening ]