enceinte 1
/en saynt", ahn sant"/ ; Fr. /ahonn saonnt"/ , adj.
pregnant; with child.
[ 1590-1600; incincta, perh. lit. "ungirded," equiv. to L in- IN- 3 + cincta, fem. of cinctus, ptp. of cingere to belt, gird, surround ]
enceinte 2
/en saynt", ahn sant"/ ; Fr. /ahonn saonnt"/ , n. , pl. enceintes /-saynts", -sants"/ ; Fr. /-saonnt"/ .
1. a wall or enclosure, as of a fortified place.
2. the place enclosed.
[ 1700-10; incincta, n. use of fem. of incinctus girded in (ptp. of incingere ), equiv. to in- IN- 2 + cing- gird + -tus ptp. suffix ]