entrain 1
— entrainer , n.
/en trayn"/ , v.i.
1. to go aboard a train.
2. to put aboard a train.
[ 1880-85; EN- 1 + TRAIN ]
entrain 2
— entrainment , n.
/en trayn"/ , v.t.
1. Chem. (of a substance, as a vapor) to carry along (a dissimilar substance, as drops of liquid) during a given process, as evaporation or distillation.
2. (of a liquid) to trap (bubbles).
3. Meteorol. to transfer (air) into an organized air current from the surrounding atmosphere (opposed to detrain ).
[ 1560-70; entrainer, equiv. to en- EN- 1 + trainer to drag, trail; see TRAIN ]