/eth'oh suk"seuh muyd'/ , n. Pharm.
an anticonvulsant, C 7 H 11 NO 2 , used in medicine to treat certain kinds of epilepsy, esp. petit mal.
[ ETH(YL) + -O- + suximide appar. shortening of succinimide (SUCCIN(IC) + IMIDE) ]
/eth'oh suk"seuh muyd'/ , n. Pharm.
an anticonvulsant, C 7 H 11 NO 2 , used in medicine to treat certain kinds of epilepsy, esp. petit mal.
[ ETH(YL) + -O- + suximide appar. shortening of succinimide (SUCCIN(IC) + IMIDE) ]
Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary. Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House . 2012