— excommunicator , n.
v. /eks'keuh myooh"ni kayt'/ ; n. , adj. /eks'keuh myooh"ni kit, -kayt'/ , v. , excommunicated, excommunicating , n. , adj.
1. to cut off from communion with a church or exclude from the sacraments of a church by ecclesiastical sentence.
2. to exclude or expel from membership or participation in any group, association, etc.: an advertiser excommunicated from a newspaper.
3. an excommunicated person.
4. cut off from communion with a church; excommunicated.
[ 1375-1425; late ME excommunicaten (v.) excommunicatus lit., put out of the community (ptp. of excommunicare ), equiv. to ex- EX- 1 + commun ( is ) COMMON, public + -ic- (by analogy with communicare to COMMUNICATE) + -atus -ATE 1 ]