/ik strem"i tee/ , n. , pl. extremities .
1. the extreme or terminal point, limit, or part of something.
2. a limb of the body.
3. Usually, extremities . the end part of a limb, as a hand or foot: to experience cold in one's extremities.
4. Often, extremities . a condition or circumstance of extreme need, distress, etc.: to suffer the extremities of being poor.
5. the utmost or any extreme degree: the extremity of joy.
6. an extreme or extraordinary measure, act, etc.: to go to any extremity to feed the children.
7. extreme nature or character: the extremity of his views on foreign trade.
8. Archaic. a person's last moment before death.
[ 1325-75; ME extremitas. See EXTREME, -ITY ]
Syn. 1. end, termination; verge; border, boundary.