— fiendlike , adj.
/feend/ , n.
1. Satan; the devil.
2. any evil spirit; demon.
3. a diabolically cruel or wicked person.
4. a person or thing that causes mischief or annoyance: Those children are little fiends.
5. Informal. a person who is extremely addicted to some pernicious habit: an opium fiend.
6. Informal. a person who is excessively interested in some game, sport, etc.; fan; buff: a bridge fiend.
7. a person who is highly skilled or gifted in something: a fiend at languages.
[ bef. 900; ME feend, OE feond; c. G Feind, ON fjandr, Goth fijands foe, orig. prp. of fijan to hate ]
Syn. 3. monster, savage, brute, beast, devil.