adj. /foh"lee it, -ayt'/ ; v. /foh"lee ayt'/ , adj., v., foliated, foliating .
1. covered with or having leaves.
2. like a leaf, as in shape.
3. Also, foliated . Archit.
a. ornamented with or composed of foils: foliate tracery.
b. ornamented with representations of foliage: a foliate capital.
4. Petrol. , Mineral. foliated (def. 2).
5. to put forth leaves.
6. to split into thin leaflike layers or laminae.
7. to shape like a leaf or leaves.
8. to decorate with foils or foliage.
9. to form into thin sheets.
10. to spread over with a thin metallic backing.
11. Print. to number the folios or leaves, as distinguished from pages, of (a manuscript or book).
[ 1620-30; foliatus leafy. See FOLIUM, -ATE 1 ]