frieze 1
/freez/ , n.
1. Archit.
a. the part of a classical entablature between the architrave and the cornice, usually decorated with sculpture in low relief. See diag. under column .
b. any decorative band on an outside wall, broader than a stringcourse and bearing lettering, sculpture, etc.
2. any decorative band at the top or beneath the cornice of an interior wall, a piece of furniture, etc.
3. Furniture. skirt (def. 6b).
[ 1555-65; frise, perh. phrygium, frigium, frisium embroidered cloth, embroidery, L Phrygium, neut. of Phrygius Phrygian ]
frieze 2
/freez/ , n.
a heavy, napped woolen cloth for coats.
[ 1350-1400; ME frise 1 ]