— funnellike , adj.
/fun"l/ , n. , v. , funneled, funneling or ( esp. Brit. ) funnelled, funnelling .
1. a cone-shaped utensil with a tube at the apex for conducting liquid or other substance through a small opening, as into a bottle, jug, or the like.
2. a smokestack, esp. of a steamship.
3. a flue, tube, or shaft, as for ventilation.
4. Eastern New England. a stovepipe.
5. to concentrate, channel, or focus: They funneled all income into research projects.
6. to pour through or as if through a funnel.
7. to pass through or as if through a funnel.
[ 1375-1425; late ME fonel fonilh (Gascon) fundibulum, for L infundibulum, deriv. of infundere to pour in ]