Meaning of GLUM in English

— glumly , adv. — glumness , n.

/glum/ , adj., glummer, glummest .

sullenly or silently gloomy; dejected.

[ 1425-75; late ME; var. of GLOOM ]

Syn . moody, sulky; despondent, melancholy. GLUM, MOROSE, SULLEN, DOUR, SURLY all are adjectives describing a gloomy, unsociable attitude. GLUM describes a depressed, spiritless condition or manner, usually temporary rather than habitual: a glum shrug of the shoulders; a glum, hopeless look in his eye. MOROSE, which adds to GLUM a sense of bitterness, implies a habitual and pervasive gloominess: a sour, morose manner; morose withdrawal from human contact.

SULLEN usually implies reluctance or refusal to speak accompanied by glowering looks expressing anger or a sense of injury: a sullen manner, silence, look. DOUR refers to a stern and forbidding aspect, stony and unresponsive: dour rejection of friendly overtures. SURLY implies gruffness of speech and manner, usually accompanied by an air of injury and ill temper: a surly reply.

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