hide 1
— hidable , adj. — hidability , n. — hider , n.
/huyd/ , v. , hid, hidden or hid, hiding , n.
1. to conceal from sight; prevent from being seen or discovered: Where did she hide her jewels?
2. to obstruct the view of; cover up: The sun was hidden by the clouds.
3. to conceal from knowledge or exposure; keep secret: to hide one's feelings.
4. to conceal oneself; lie concealed: He hid in the closet.
5. hide out , to go into or remain in hiding: After breaking out of jail, he hid out in a deserted farmhouse.
6. Brit. a place of concealment for hunting or observing wildlife; hunting blind.
[ bef. 900; ME hiden, OE hydan; c. OFris huda, Gk keúthein to conceal ]
Syn. 1. screen, mask, cloak, veil, shroud, disguise. HIDE, CONCEAL, SECRETE mean to put out of sight or in a secret place. HIDE is the general word: to hide one's money or purpose; A dog hides a bone. CONCEAL, somewhat more formal, is to cover from sight: A rock concealed them from view. SECRETE means to put away carefully, in order to keep secret: The spy secreted the important papers. 3. disguise, dissemble, suppress.
Ant. 1. reveal, display.
hide 2
— hideless , adj.
/huyd/ , n. , v. , hided, hiding .
1. the pelt or skin of one of the larger animals (cow, horse, buffalo, etc.), raw or dressed.
2. Informal.
a. the skin of a human being: Get out of here or I'll tan your hide!
b. safety or welfare: He's only worried about his own hide.
3. Australia and New Zealand Informal. impertinence; impudence.
4. hide nor hair , a trace or evidence, as of something missing: They didn't find hide nor hair of the murder weapon. Also, hide or hair .
5. Informal. to administer a beating to; thrash.
6. to protect (a rope, as a boltrope of a sail) with a covering of leather.
[ bef. 900; ME; OE hyd; c. D huid, ON huth, Dan, Sw hud, OHG hut (G Haut ), L cutis skin, CUTIS; see HIDE 1 ]
Syn. 1. See skin .
hide 3
/huyd/ , n. Old Eng. Law.
a unit of land measurement varying from 60 to 120 acres (24 to 49 hectares) or more, depending upon local usage.
[ bef. 900; ME; OE hid ( e ), hig ( i ) d portion of land, family; akin to L civis citizen, Gk keîmai to lie, abide ]