holograph 1
/hol"euh graf', -grahf', hoh"leuh-/ , adj.
1. Also, holographic /hol'euh graf"ik, hoh'leuh-/ , holographical . wholly written by the person in whose name it appears: a holograph letter.
2. a holograph writing, as a deed, will, or letter.
[ 1650-60; holographus hológraphos. See HOLO-, -GRAPH ]
holograph 2
— holographer /heuh log"reuh feuhr/ , n. — holographic /hol'euh graf"ik, hoh'leuh-/ , adj. — holographically , adv.
/hol"euh graf', -grahf', hoh"leuh-/ , v.t.
1. to make by the use of holography.
2. an image produced by holography.
3. Optics. hologram.
[ 1965-70; back formation from HOLOGRAPHY ]