Meaning of HOOCH in English

hooch 1

/hoohch/ , n. Slang.

1. alcoholic liquor.

2. liquor illicitly distilled and distributed.

Also, hootch .

[ 1895-1900; shortening of HOOCHINOO ]

hooch 2

/hoohch/ , n. Mil. Slang.

1. a thatched hut of southeast Asia.

2. any living quarters, as a barracks.

3. (esp. during the Korean War)

a. a prostitute's dwelling.

b. any place, as a house, room, or shack, where a serviceman sets up housekeeping with a local woman.

Also, hootch, hoochie .

[ 1950-55 prob. uchi house (by back formation, construing -i as -Y 2 ); initial h perh. by assoc. with HUT or uchi with prothetic h- ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .