Meaning of ILK in English

ilk 1

/ilk/ , n.

1. family, class, or kind: he and all his ilk.

2. of that ilk ,

a. (in Scotland) of the same family name or place: Ross of that ilk, i.e., Ross of Ross.

b. of the same class or kind.


3. same.

[ bef. 900; ME ilke, OE ilca (pronoun) the same, equiv. to demonstrative i (c. Goth is he, L is that) + a reduced form of lic LIKE 1 ; cf. WHICH, SUCH ]

ilk 2

/ilk/ , Chiefly Scot.


1. each.


2. each; every.

[ bef. 900; ME ilk, north var. of ilch, OE ylc (pronoun) EACH ]

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