— immobilization , n. — immobilizer , n.
/i moh"beuh luyz'/ , v.t., immobilized, immobilizing .
1. to make immobile or immovable; fix in place.
2. to prevent the use, activity, or movement of: The hurricane immobilized the airlines.
3. to deprive of the capacity for mobilization: The troops were immobilized by the enemy.
4. Med. to prevent, restrict, or reduce normal movement in (the body, a limb, or a joint), as by a splint, cast, or prescribed bed rest.
5. to render (an opponent's strategy) ineffective; stymie.
6. Finance.
a. to establish a monetary reserve by withdrawing (specie) from circulation.
b. to create fixed capital in place of (circulating capital).
Also, esp. Brit., immobilise .
[ 1870-75; IMMOBILE + -IZE; see MOBILIZE and cf. F immobiliser ]