Meaning of IMPATIENT in English

— impatiently , adv. — impatientness , n.

/im pay"sheuhnt/ , adj.

1. not patient; not accepting delay, opposition, pain, etc., with calm or patience.

2. indicating lack of patience: an impatient answer.

3. restless in desire or expectation; eagerly desirous.

4. impatient of , intolerant of: impatient of any interruptions.

[ 1350-1400; ME impacient impatient- (s. of impatiens ) not enduring, not tolerating. See IM- 2 , PATIENT ]

Syn. 1. uneasy, unquiet. 1, 2 . irritable, testy, fretful, violent, hot; curt, brusque, abrupt. 3. hasty, impetuous, precipitate, sudden.

Ant. 1. calm.

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