/im pel"euhnt/ , adj.
1. impelling: an impellent power; an impellent cause.
2. something that impels; an impelling agency or force.
[ 1610-20; impellent- (s. of impellens ), prp. of impellere to set in motion. See IMPEL, -ENT ]
/im pel"euhnt/ , adj.
1. impelling: an impellent power; an impellent cause.
2. something that impels; an impelling agency or force.
[ 1610-20; impellent- (s. of impellens ), prp. of impellere to set in motion. See IMPEL, -ENT ]
Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary. Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House . 2012