impress 1
— impresser , n.
v. /im pres"/ ; n. /im"pres/ , v. , impressed or ( Archaic ) imprest; impressing; n.
1. to affect deeply or strongly in mind or feelings; influence in opinion: He impressed us as a sincere young man.
2. to fix deeply or firmly on the mind or memory, as ideas or facts: to impress the importance of honesty on a child.
3. to urge, as something to be remembered or done: She impressed the need for action on them.
4. to press (a thing) into or on something.
5. to impose a particular characteristic or quality upon (something): The painter impressed his love of garish colors upon the landscape.
6. to produce (a mark, figure, etc.) by pressure; stamp; imprint: The king impressed his seal on the melted wax.
7. to apply with pressure, so as to leave a mark.
8. to subject to or mark by pressure with something.
9. to furnish with a mark, figure, etc., by or as if by stamping.
10. Elect. to produce (a voltage) or cause (a voltage) to appear or be produced on a conductor, circuit, etc.
11. to create a favorable impression; draw attention to oneself: a child's behavior intended to impress.
12. the act of impressing.
13. a mark made by or as by pressure; stamp; imprint.
14. a distinctive character or effect imparted: writings that bear the impress of a strong personality.
[ 1325-75; ME impressus ptp. of imprimere to press into or upon, impress, equiv. to im- IM- 1 + pressus ptp. of premere (comb. form -primere ) to PRESS 1 ; see PRINT ]
Syn. 1. move, sway, disturb; persuade.
impress 2
v. /im pres"/ ; n. /im"pres/ , v. , impressed or ( Archaic ) imprest; impressing; n.
1. to press or force into public service, as sailors.
2. to seize or take for public use.
3. to take or persuade into service by forceful arguments: The neighbors were impressed into helping the family move.
4. impressment.
[ 1590-1600; IM- 1 + PRESS 2 ]