adj. /in kahr"nit, -nayt/ ; v. /in kahr"nayt/ , adj., v., incarnated, incarnating .
1. embodied in flesh; given a bodily, esp. a human, form: a devil incarnate.
2. personified or typified, as a quality or idea: chivalry incarnate.
3. flesh-colored or crimson.
4. to put into or represent in a concrete form, as an idea: The building incarnates the architect's latest theories.
5. to be the embodiment or type of: Her latest book incarnates the literature of our day.
6. to embody in flesh; invest with a bodily, esp. a human, form: a man who incarnated wisdom and compassion.
[ 1350-1400; late ME incarnatus ptp. of incarnare to make into flesh, equiv. to in- IN- 2 + carn- flesh (see CARNAL) + -atus -ATE 1 ]