— interviewable , adj.
/in"teuhr vyooh'/ , n.
1. a formal meeting in which one or more persons question, consult, or evaluate another person: a job interview.
2. a meeting or conversation in which a writer or reporter asks questions of one or more persons from whom material is sought for a newspaper story, television broadcast, etc.
3. the report of such a conversation or meeting.
4. to have an interview with in order to question, consult, or evaluate: to interview a job applicant; to interview the president.
5. to have an interview; be interviewed (sometimes fol. by with ): She interviewed with eight companies before accepting a job.
6. to give or conduct an interview: to interview to fill job openings.
[ 1505-15; INTER- + VIEW; r. enterview entrevue, n. use of fem. of entrevu, ptp. of entrevoir to glimpse ]