Meaning of INVETERATE in English

— inveterately , adv. — inveterateness , n.

/in vet"euhr it/ , adj.

1. settled or confirmed in a habit, practice, feeling, or the like: an inveterate gambler.

2. firmly established by long continuance, as a disease, habit, practice, feeling, etc.; chronic.

[ 1375-1425; late ME inveteratus (ptp. of inveterare to grow old, allow to grow old, preserve), equiv. to in- IN- 2 + veter- (s. of vetus ) old + -atus -ATE 1 ; cf. VETERAN ]

Syn. 1. hardened, constant, habitual. 2. set, fixed, rooted.

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .