jetty 1
/jet"ee/ , n. , pl. jetties , v. , jettied, jettying .
1. a pier or structure of stones, piles, or the like, projecting into the sea or other body of water to protect a harbor, deflect the current, etc.
2. a wharf or landing pier.
3. the piles or wooden structure protecting a pier.
4. Also, jutty . an overhang, as of an upper story beyond a lower.
5. to construct (part of a building) so that it projects beyond lower construction; jutty.
[ 1375-1425; late ME get ( t ) ey jetee, lit., something thrown out, a projection, n. use of jetee, fem. ptp. of jeter to throw; see JET 1 ]
jetty 2
— jettiness , n.
/jet"ee/ , adj.
1. made of jet.
2. resembling jet, esp. in color; of a deep black.
[ 1475-85; JET 2 + -Y 1 ]