kirn 1
/kerrn/ ; Scot. /kirddn/ , Scot. and North Eng.
v.t. , v.i.
1. to churn.
2. a churn.
Also, kern .
[ 1300-50; ME kirne (n.) kirnuaskr a churn; c. CHURN ]
kirn 2
/kerrn/ ; Scot. /kirddn/ , n. Scot. and North Eng.
1. a harvest celebration; a feast or party celebrating a successful harvest.
2. the harvesting of the last handful of corn, noting either the end of the harvest season or the winning of a race against other reapers. Cf. kemp 1 (def. 2).
Also, kern, kurn .
[ 1770-80; orig. uncert.; perh. akin to CORN 1 ]