/nayv/ , n.
1. an unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest person.
2. Cards. jack 1 (def. 2).
3. Archaic.
a. a male servant.
b. a man of humble position.
[ bef. 1000; ME; OE cnafa; c. G Knabe boy; akin to ON knapi page, boy ]
Syn. 1. blackguard, villain, scamp, scapegrace. KNAVE, RASCAL, ROGUE, SCOUNDREL are disparaging terms applied to persons considered base, dishonest, or worthless. KNAVE, which formerly meant merely a boy or servant, in modern use emphasizes baseness of nature and intention: a dishonest and swindling knave. RASCAL suggests shrewdness and trickery in dishonesty: a plausible rascal.
A ROGUE is a worthless fellow who sometimes preys extensively upon the community by fraud: photographs of criminals in a rogues' gallery. A SCOUNDREL is a blackguard and rogue of the worst sort: a thorough scoundrel. RASCAL and ROGUE are often used affectionately or humorously ( an entertaining rascal; a saucy rogue ), but KNAVE and SCOUNDREL are not.
Ant . hero.