/lan"yeuhrd/ , n.
1. Naut. a short rope or wire rove through deadeyes to hold and tauten standing rigging.
2. any of various small cords or ropes for securing or suspending something, as a whistle about the neck or a knife from one's belt.
3. a cord with a small hook at one end, used in firing certain kinds of cannon.
4. a colored, single-strand cord worn around the left shoulder by a member of a military unit awarded a foreign decoration.
5. a white cord worn around the right shoulder, as by a military police officer, and secured to the butt of a pistol.
Also, laniard .
[ 1475-85; b. late ME lanyer ( laniere, OF lasniere thong, equiv. to lasne noose + -iere, fem of -ier -IER 2 ) and YARD 1 ]