/lith/ , n. Brit. Dial.
1. an arm or leg; limb.
2. a joint, as of the finger.
3. a segment, as of an orange.
[ bef. 900; ME, OE; c. D, OHG lid, ON lithr, Goth lithus limb, member; akin to G Glied ]
/lith/ , n. Brit. Dial.
1. an arm or leg; limb.
2. a joint, as of the finger.
3. a segment, as of an orange.
[ bef. 900; ME, OE; c. D, OHG lid, ON lithr, Goth lithus limb, member; akin to G Glied ]
Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary. Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House . 2012