loaf 1
/lohf/ , n. , pl. loaves /lohvz/ .
1. a portion of bread or cake baked in a mass, usually oblong with a rounded top.
2. a shaped or molded mass of food, as of sugar or chopped meat: a veal loaf.
3. Brit.
a. the rounded head of a cabbage, lettuce, etc.
b. Slang ( older use ). head or brains: Use your loaf.
[ bef. 950; ME lo ( o ) f, OE hlaf loaf, bread; c. G Laib, ON hleifr, Goth hlaifs ]
loaf 2
/lohf/ , v.i.
1. to idle away time: He figured the mall was as good a place as any for loafing.
2. to lounge or saunter lazily and idly: We loafed for hours along the water's edge.
3. to pass idly (usually fol. by away ): to loaf one's life away.
[ 1825-35, Amer.; back formation from LOAFER ]
Syn. 2. loll, idle.