loo 1
/looh/ , n. , pl. loos , v. , looed, looing .
1. a card game in which forfeits are paid into a pool.
2. the forfeit or sum paid into the pool.
3. the fact of being looed.
4. to subject to a forfeit at loo.
[ 1665-75; short for lanterloo lanterlu lantur ( e ) lu, special use of meaningless refrain of an old song ]
loo 2
/looh/ , n. , pl. loos . Brit. Informal.
[ 1935-40; of uncert. orig. ]
loo 3
/looh/ , v.i., v.t., n., pl. loos . Chiefly Northern U.S.
low 2 .
loo 4
/looh/ , n. , pl. loos , v.t., v.i., looed, looing . Scot.