Meaning of LOPHOBRANCH in English

— lophobranchiate /lof'euh brang"kee it, -ayt', loh'feuh-/ , adj. , n.

/lof"euh brangk', loh"feuh-/ , adj.

1. belonging or pertaining to the Lophobranchii, the group of fishes comprising the pipefishes, sea horses, snipefishes, trumpetfishes, etc.


2. a lophobranch fish.

[ 1855-60; Lophobranchii name of the group lóph ( os ) crest, tuft + -o- -O- + branchí ( a ) BRANCHIA + L -i nom. pl. n. ending ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .