— manufacturable , adj. — manufactural , adj.
/man'yeuh fak"cheuhr/ , n. , v. , manufactured, manufacturing .
1. the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, esp. on a large scale: the manufacture of television sets.
2. the making or producing of anything; generation: the manufacture of body cells.
3. the thing or material manufactured; product: Plastic is an important manufacture.
4. to make or produce by hand or machinery, esp. on a large scale.
5. to work up (material) into form for use: to manufacture cotton.
6. to invent fictitiously; fabricate; concoct: to manufacture an account of the incident.
7. to produce in a mechanical way without inspiration or originality: to manufacture a daily quota of poetry.
[ 1560-70; obs. manufact (see MANUFACTORY) + -URE ]
Syn. 4. build. MANUFACTURE, ASSEMBLE, FABRICATE apply to processes in industry. MANUFACTURE, originally to make by hand, now means to make by machine or by industrial process: to manufacture rubber tires. TO ASSEMBLE is to fit together the manufactured parts of something mechanical: to assemble an automobile. TO FABRICATE is to construct or build by fitting standardized parts together: to fabricate houses. See also make 1 .