— mediately , adv. — mediateness , n.
v. /mee"dee ayt'/ ; adj. /mee"dee it/ , v. , mediated, mediating , adj.
1. to settle (disputes, strikes, etc.) as an intermediary between parties; reconcile.
2. to bring about (an agreement, accord, truce, peace, etc.) as an intermediary between parties by compromise, reconciliation, removal of misunderstanding, etc.
3. to effect (a result) or convey (a message, gift, etc.) by or as if by an intermediary.
4. to act between parties to effect an agreement, compromise, reconciliation, etc.
5. to occupy an intermediate place or position.
6. acting through, dependent on, or involving an intermediate agency; not direct or immediate.
[ 1375-1425; late ME mediatus, ptp. of mediare to be in the middle, intercede. See MEDIUM, -ATE 1 ]
Syn. 1, 2. arbitrate. 4. intercede, interpose.