— militarily /mil'i tair"euh lee, mil"i ter'euh lee/ , adv. — militariness , n.
/mil"i ter'ee/ , adj., n., pl. militaries, military .
1. of, for, or pertaining to the army or armed forces, often as distinguished from the navy: from civilian to military life.
2. of, for, or pertaining to war: military preparedness.
3. of or pertaining to soldiers.
4. befitting, characteristic of, or noting a soldier: a military bearing.
5. following the life of a soldier: a military career.
6. performed by soldiers: military duty.
7. the military ,
a. the military establishment of a nation; the armed forces.
b. military personnel, esp. commissioned officers, taken collectively: the bar, the press, and the military.
[ 1575-85; militari ( s ), equiv. to milit- (s. of miles ) soldier + -aris -ARY ]
Syn. 3. soldierly, soldierlike, martial.