molar 1
/moh"leuhr/ , n.
1. Also called molar tooth . a tooth having a broad biting surface adapted for grinding, being one of twelve in humans, with three on each side of the upper and lower jaws. See illus. under tooth .
2. adapted for grinding, as teeth.
3. pertaining to such teeth.
[ 1535-45; molaris grinder, short for ( dens ) molaris grinding (tooth), equiv. to mol ( a ) millstone + -aris -AR 1 ]
molar 2
/moh"leuhr/ , adj.
Physics. pertaining to a body of matter as a whole, as contrasted with molecular and atomic.
[ 1860-65; mol ( es ) a mass + -AR 1 ]
molar 3
/moh"leuhr/ , adj. Chem.
1. pertaining to a solution containing one mole of solute per liter of solution.
2. noting or pertaining to gram-molecular weight.
[ 1860-65; MOLE 4 + -AR 1 ]