— momentously , adv. — momentousness , n.
/moh men"teuhs/ , adj.
of great or far-reaching importance or consequence: a momentous day.
[ 1645-55; MOMENT + -OUS ]
Syn . vital, critical, crucial, serious. See heavy .
Ant . trivial, trifling.
— momentously , adv. — momentousness , n.
/moh men"teuhs/ , adj.
of great or far-reaching importance or consequence: a momentous day.
[ 1645-55; MOMENT + -OUS ]
Syn . vital, critical, crucial, serious. See heavy .
Ant . trivial, trifling.
Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary. Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House . 2012