/mawr"geuhn/ , n.
one of a breed of light carriage and saddle horses descended from the stallion Justin Morgan.
[ 1865-70; named after the original sire owned by Justin Morgan (1747-98), a New England teacher ]
/mawr"geuhn/ , n.
1. Charles Langbridge /lang"brij'/ , 1894-1958, English novelist and critic.
2. Daniel , 1736-1802, American Revolutionary general.
3. Sir Henry , 1635?-88, Welsh buccaneer in the Americas.
4. John Hunt , 1826-64, Confederate general in the American Civil War.
5. J(ohn) P(ierpont) /pear"pont/ , 1837-1913, U.S. financier and philanthropist.
6. his son John Pierpont , 1867-1943, U.S. financier.
7. Lewis Henry , 1818-81, U.S. ethnologist and anthropologist.
8. Thomas Hunt , 1866-1945, U.S. zoologist: Nobel prize for medicine 1933.
9. a male or female given name.