mullet 1
/mul"it/ , n. , pl. ( esp. collectively ) mullet , ( esp. referring to two or more kinds or species ) mullets .
1. any of several marine or freshwater, usually gray fishes of the family Mugilidae, having a nearly cylindrical body.
2. a goatfish.
3. a sucker, esp. of the genus Moxostoma.
[ 1400-50; late ME mulet mullus red mullet; see -ET ]
mullet 2
/mul"it/ , n. Heraldry.
a starlike charge having five points unless a greater number is specified, used esp. as the cadency mark of a third son.
Also, molet . Also called American star, Scottish star .
[ 1350-1400; ME molet molete rowel of a spur, equiv. to mole millstone (F meule ) + -ette -ETTE ]