/pay"teuhr nos"teuhr, pah"-, pat"euhr-/ , n.
1. ( often cap. ) Also, Pater Noster . the Lord's Prayer, esp. in the Latin form.
2. a recitation of this prayer as an act of worship.
3. one of certain beads in a rosary, regularly every 11th bead, differing in size or material from the rest and indicating that the Lord's Prayer is to be said.
4. any fixed recital of words used as a prayer or magical charm.
5. a doorless, continuously moving elevator for passengers or goods, having numerous platforms or compartments that rise or descend on a moving chain.
6. ( cap. ) Archit. See pearl molding .
[ bef. 1000; ME, OE: Lord's prayer pater noster our father, its first two words in the Vulgate (Matthew VI: 9 ]