Meaning of PEACH in English

peach 1

— peachlike , adj.

/peech/ , n.

1. the subacid, juicy, drupaceous fruit of a tree, Prunus persica, of the rose family.

2. the tree itself, cultivated in temperate climates.

3. a light pinkish yellow, as of a peach.

4. Informal. a person or thing that is especially attractive, liked, or enjoyed.


5. made or cooked with peaches or a flavor like that of a peach: peach pie.

6. of the color peach.

[ 1325-75; ME peche pess ( i ) ca, neut. pl. (taken as fem. sing.) of L Persicum, malum Persicum peach, lit., Persian apple; cf. OE persoc, G Pfirsich, D perzik peach, all ]

peach 2

— peacher , n.

/peech/ , Slang.


1. to inform against an accomplice or associate.


2. to inform against; betray.

[ 1425-75; late ME peche, aph. var. of ME apeche apecher impedicare to hold up. See IMPEACH ]

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