— peacockery, peacockism , n. — peacockish, peacocky , adj. — peacockishly , adv. — peacockishness , n.
/pee"kok'/ , n. , pl. peacocks , ( esp. collectively ) peacock . v.
1. the male of the peafowl distinguished by its long, erectile, greenish, iridescent tail coverts that are brilliantly marked with ocellated spots and that can be spread in a fan.
2. any peafowl.
3. a vain, self-conscious person.
4. ( cap. ) Astron. the constellation Pavo.
5. to make a vainglorious display; strut like a peacock.
[ 1250-1300; ME pecok, equiv. to pe- (OE pea peafowl pavon- PAVO) + cok (OE coc COCK 1 ) ]