— peremptorily , adv. — peremptoriness , n.
/peuh remp"teuh ree, per"euhmp tawr'ee, -tohr'ee/ , adj.
1. leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal; imperative: a peremptory command.
2. imperious or dictatorial.
3. positive or assertive in speech, tone, manner, etc.
4. Law.
a. that precludes or does not admit of debate, question, etc.: a peremptory edict.
b. decisive or final.
c. in which a command is absolute and unconditional: a peremptory writ.
[ 1505-15; peremptorius final, decisive, lit., deadly, destructive (deriv. of perimere to take away fully, destroy, slay), equiv. to per- PER- + em -, base of emere to buy, orig. to take + - torius -TORY 1 , with intrusive p ]
Syn. 2. arbitrary, dogmatic, domineering.