— peripatetically , adv. — peripateticism /per'euh peuh tet"euh siz'euhm/ , n.
/per'euh peuh tet"ik/ , adj.
1. walking or traveling about; itinerant.
2. ( cap. ) of or pertaining to Aristotle, who taught philosophy while walking in the Lyceum of ancient Athens.
3. ( cap. ) of or pertaining to the Aristotelian school of philosophy.
4. a person who walks or travels about.
5. ( cap. ) a member of the Aristotelian school.
[ 1400-50; late ME peripateticus peripatetikós of Aristotle and his school, lit., walking about, equiv. to peripate- (verbid s. of peripateîn to walk about, equiv. to peri- PERI- + pateîn to walk; akin to PATH) + -tikos -TIC ]
Syn. 1. wandering, roving; vagrant.