Meaning of PERSONATE in English

personate 1

— personation , n. — personative , adj. — personator , n.

/perr"seuh nayt'/ , v. , personated, personating .


1. to act or portray (a character in a play, a part, etc.).

2. to assume the character or appearance of; pass oneself off as, esp. with fraudulent intent; impersonate.

3. to represent in terms of personal properties or characteristics; personify.


4. to act or play a part.

[ 1590-1600; v. use of L personatus PERSONATE 2 ]

personate 2

— personately , adv.

/perr"seuh nit, -nayt'/ , adj.

1. Bot.

a. (of a bilabiate corolla) masklike. See illus. under corolla .

b. having the lower lip pushed upward so as to close the gap between the lips, as in the snapdragon.

2. Zool.

a. having a masked or disguised form, as the larvae of certain insects.

b. having masklike markings.

[ 1750-60; personatus masked; see PERSONA, -ATE 1 ]

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