pica 1
/puy"keuh/ , n. Print.
1. a 12-point type of a size between small pica and English.
2. the depth of this type size as a unit of linear measurement for type, pages containing type, etc.; one sixth of an inch.
3. a 12-point type, widely used for typewriters, having 10 characters to the inch. Cf. elite (def. 4).
[ 1580-90; appar. pica PIE 4 , on the model of BREVIER, CANON 1 (def. 14) ]
pica 2
/puy"keuh/ , n. Pathol.
an abnormal appetite or craving for substances that are not fit to eat, as chalk or clay, common in malnutrition, pregnancy, etc.
[ 1555-65; pica jay, MAGPIE, with ref. to its omnivorous feeding ]