— pneumatically , adv. — pneumaticity /nooh'meuh tis"i tee, nyooh'-/ , n.
/noo mat"ik, nyoo-/ , adj.
1. of or pertaining to air, gases, or wind.
2. of or pertaining to pneumatics.
3. operated by air or by the pressure or exhaustion of air: a pneumatic drill.
4. filled with or containing compressed air, as a tire.
5. equipped with pneumatic tires.
6. Theol. of or pertaining to the spirit; spiritual.
7. Zool. containing air or air cavities.
8. a pneumatic tire.
9. a vehicle having wheels with such tires.
[ 1650-60; pneumaticus pneumatikós pertaining to air, breath or wind, spiritual, equiv. to pneumat- (s. of pneûma; see PNEUMA) + -ikos -IC ]