— preinclination /pree in'kleuh nay"sheuhn, pree'in-/ , n.
/pree'in kluyn"/ , v.t., preinclined, preinclining .
to dispose or prepare beforehand: Their experiences had preinclined them to think pessimistically.
[ 1665-75; PRE- + INCLINE ]
— preinclination /pree in'kleuh nay"sheuhn, pree'in-/ , n.
/pree'in kluyn"/ , v.t., preinclined, preinclining .
to dispose or prepare beforehand: Their experiences had preinclined them to think pessimistically.
[ 1665-75; PRE- + INCLINE ]
Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary. Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House . 2012