— preluder , n. — preludial /pri looh"dee euhl/ , preludious , adj. — preludiously , adv.
/prel"yoohd, prayl"-, pray"loohd, pree"-/ , n. , v. , preluded, preluding .
1. a preliminary to an action, event, condition, or work of broader scope and higher importance.
2. any action, event, comment, etc. that precedes something else.
3. Music.
a. a relatively short, independent instrumental composition, free in form and resembling an improvisation.
b. a piece that precedes a more important movement.
c. the overture to an opera.
d. an independent piece, of moderate length, sometimes used as an introduction to a fugue.
e. music opening a church service; an introductory voluntary.
4. to serve as a prelude or introduction to.
5. to introduce by a prelude.
6. to play as a prelude.
7. to serve as a prelude.
8. to give a prelude.
9. to play a prelude.
[ 1555-65; (n.) praeludium, equiv. to prae- PRE- + -ludium play; cf. L ludus play; (v.) praeludere to play beforehand ]
Syn. 1. introduction, opening, beginning.