/proohd"ns/ , n.
1. the quality or fact of being prudent.
2. caution with regard to practical matters; discretion.
3. regard for one's own interests.
4. provident care in the management of resources; economy; frugality.
[ 1300-50; ME prudentia. See PRUDENT, -ENCE ]
Syn. 1. PRUDENCE, CALCULATION, FORESIGHT, FORETHOUGHT imply attempted provision against possible contingencies. PRUDENCE is care, caution, and good judgment, as well as wisdom in looking ahead: sober prudence in handling one's affairs. CALCULATION suggests a disposition to get a large return for as small an outlay as possible and willingness to benefit at the expense of others: cold calculation. FORESIGHT implies a prudent looking ahead rather far into the future: clear foresight in planning. FORETHOUGHT emphasizes the adequacy of preparation for the future: Careful forethought helped him deal with the emergency.
Ant. 1. rashness.